There are a couple of ways to delete Snapchat messages that the other person saved. First, you can ask the other person to unsave the message. If they do, this will automatically delete the conversation. Alternatively, you can block the other person, which will completely delete the conversation.
After you’ve unsaved a message, you’ll receive a notification informing you that the other person deleted it. Make sure to have the latest version of the app installed and to be logged in before you can delete the message. Otherwise, you may not be able to delete the message.

If you are unable to delete the message, you may have an outdated version of the Snapchat app, or a slow internet connection. To fix this, you should first make sure your internet connection is stable. If it’s still slow, try restarting your router or contacting your internet service provider.
If you don’t want the message to be deleted, you can copy the message and paste it elsewhere. Once you’ve done that, you can remove the message from the other person’s Snapchat account. Just make sure you don’t share it with anyone else. While this method isn’t foolproof, it’s a viable solution to the problem of deleting a saved Snapchat message.

You can also delete a message in a snapchat conversation that the other person saved. Just follow these steps: First, open the chat window. Then, scroll down to find the conversation. Once you find the saved message, you can select the option to delete it. If this method doesn’t work, make sure the other person is online and has a reliable internet connection.
If you’re not able to delete the message, you can also restart the Snapchat app. If you’re using an older version of the Snapchat app, you’ll need to update it. If you don’t have this option, try restarting your phone to delete the message.

You can also use an erasing tool to completely wipe out the data on your device. This way, you can delete all the Snapchat messages that the other person has saved. This way, the other person won’t be able to recover them. It will also ensure that your messages don’t disappear from the social networking application.