365 Chats and Garena

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Microsoft Teams is a communication tool that lets you create groups and chats. It also allows you to add team members and group tags. You can also group chats by recent or pinned messages. It also lets you attach documents to your messages. You can share the documents on the file tab or use OneDrive or SharePoint to store them. You can also share links and videos. Another useful feature is the ability to search within a chat using CTRL+F. This search function can also be applied to channels.

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To use Garena, you must first register for an account with the service. Once you do, you can start playing. You can select from several rooms, each of which can accommodate up to 255 players. You can also use community features in each room. To start playing, you can go to the individual rooms and select the executable of the computer game you want to play. Once you start playing, you can select the game you want to play, and the software will remember its settings.

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