If you have been having trouble saving your game in Pokemon sapphire, you may be wondering how to delete it. This game has a feature that allows you to save your game and then it automatically deletes it once it is turned on. You can use this feature to avoid losing your game and to get the most out of your game.

The save file that is created for each Pokemon game is stored on the memory card. By default, starters in Hoenn have shiny-locked moves. However, this can be changed by deleting the saved game data. By deleting the game’s save file, you can start a fresh game.

To delete the Pokemon save file, first go to your system’s saved game menu. From here, select the game you want to delete. Then, press the X button to confirm your action. Then, you can reinstall the game or continue playing the same one.

You can also try a different method for Pokemon Omega Ruby. This is different than for Pokemon Alpha Sapphire. Instead of pressing B and X on the title screen, you need to press B and X to select ‘New Game’ from the main menu. It may be tempting to try a different way to delete the save file, but it’s not recommended for a new game.
The next option is to reset the game. This will let you start over without the saved data. But if you’re feeling too lazy to restart the game, you can try deleting the saved data from Pokemon Emerald. If you don’t want to lose your progress, you can always start over again by pressing the same buttons and selecting ‘New Game’ from the options menu.