How to Delete All Liked Videos on TikTok at Once

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You can easily delete all your liked videos on TikTok by following a few simple steps. First, open your TikTok app on your smartphone. Next, click the ‘Me’ icon in the bottom-right corner of the homepage. From here, you can navigate to your profile. In the “Likes” section, tap the video you wish to delete. To delete a video, tap the heart icon. You can also click it twice to delete it.

You may be wondering how to delete all your TikTok videos. The process is easy and will take only a few minutes. First, you will need to log in to your TikTok account. Once you have done that, go to your profile and tap the three dots in the bottom-right corner. Then, swipe to the trash can icon, and confirm your decision. Once you’ve confirmed your decision, your videos will be removed from TikTok.

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Once you’ve done this, you’ll see a heart icon next to each video you’ve liked. This heart will be either normal or have a cross in it if you’ve made it private. This icon will always appear below your biography and between public and private videos.

You may not have liked every video, or you may not want to share them with everyone. If this is the case, you can hide these videos by changing the settings for your profile. You’ll notice a change in the heart icon when you view the video on a private page. You can then follow the steps below to remove all your liked videos.

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In order to remove a video from your TikTok account, you can do the following: launch your TikTok app and navigate to your profile. Then, click the heart icon that appears next to each video you’ve liked. Tap the heart again to remove the video from your profile. You can then repeat the process for all the videos you want to remove from your profile.

If you’re wondering how to delete all of your videos from TikTok’s gallery, you can use a computer macro to automate the process. In addition to performing the like action, you can also manually hide all the videos you’ve liked. You can also use a special setting on your mobile device to hide videos you’ve liked.

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Another method is to use your phone’s video editor. The editing tools will allow you to edit the videos on TikTok. Then, you can re-upload them using the Gallery app. Additionally, you may be able to find TikTok backups in Google Photos and Onedrive.

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